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According to a SoftDoit study, 67% of sales directors claim they use a CRM, of which 84% commented they access it through their mobile devices. This is why the phrase “The world is mobile” has never been truer than it is today.
However, despite this fact, if we were to ask that 84% about their experience using these mobile sales tools what do you think their response would be? Do you think it would be largely positive, with a relatively smooth UX? Or the contrary – a slow, incredibly frustrating experience as they try to come to grips with the technology at hand.
Unfortunately, our data and experience tell us that it’s normally the latter…
Despite sales directors paying CRM providers to help track activity, uncover business insights and help them in their tactical decision making, if salespeople are not using the tool in the first place, to record that key data when working out of the office, how much insights can they realistically expect to receive?
So how do sales directors solve this problem?
As you can see from the infographic, sales managers can provide their outside sales teams with tools that they actually want to use. And when I say “want” to use, what I’m really talking about is a tool with high perceived value.
These are sales management tools that are not only incredibly easy to use but genuinely make the life of the sales rep easier.
This way they stop thinking “now I have to return to the office, record all this week’s visit data just to keep the boss off my back,” and start thinking, “this will literally take seconds to record plus the system will provide some helpful advice about my upcoming visit.“
By investing in technology you are investing in the efficiency, productivity, and optimization of your sales team’s time. Help your salesforce with an easy, fast and intuitive app that:
These 5 figures give you 360º visibility of your sales process, automatic and actionable activity reports, real-time business data, effective management of new opportunities and allow your reps to focus on what really matters: selling.