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Think about all the things you use your phone for. From ordering lunch and shopping online, to renting a scooter, transferring money and calling an Uber; from a consumer standpoint we’re hooked. What’s more, things that used to require a little time and efforts are now done in a matter of seconds via an app. For the majority of us, our phones serve as our closest confidants. They are the personal assistants we can’t dream of living without.
At ForceManager we’re taking this concept and applying it to business. We specialize in mobility and are dedicated to transforming the way industries use technology to sell in the field – providing them with a tool that makes preparing for a sales visit as easy as tracking what they ate for lunch.
Sage Sales Management is your voice-controlled personal assistant. Think of it as the Siri for your sales force, providing you with geo-location, real-time data, accurate forecasting and a suite of sales, communications and gamification tools to stay connected with your manager and communicate with sales colleagues, all from the friendly familiarity of your phone.
Check out our latest video to see how Sage Sales Management works seamlessly with your phone, tablet, and car to make selling on the road more productive than ever.
We know you aren’t still using a notebook to log your fitness routine so stop using a pen and paper to track client visits. We have an app for that!