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From Sage Sales Management, we want to tell you something before you turn on your Out of Office message in your email, turn off your work phone and start your vacation. We hope we’re not too late, it’s important. Watch our video and then scroll down for more thoughts.
? Have you already watched the video? Continue reading from here:
As you know, we like to present ourselves to the world as the CRM for sales teams on the move. And you, and in particular those of you who are using Sage Sales Management, have indeed moved this year. A lot. A total of 4,070,340 sales visits. With an average of just one kilometer of travel per visit, this is equivalent to going and coming back from the moon. Five times.
But the important thing is not to move, but to get closer. And this is precisely what you’ve done in those four-million-seventy-thousand-three-hundred-forty-and-one trips. Removing the Earth between us. Reducing the distance that has kept us apart in recent years. Meeting again with clients, partners and friends.
We hope the journey has been exciting. For us, seeing you fill the streets again has been magical. Video calls are a wonderful invention, but we missed the noise of the cafes, the rush at rush hour and the enthusiasm with which you grow your businesses.
Now, after so many trips to the moon, it’s time to take off the space suit, return home and rest for a few days. To celebrate those important meetings we talked about in the video. To check-in with your loved ones and fill up with energy for the new year.
We’ll be waiting for you on your return, ready to stay by your side on every new visit and supporting you in all your business goals. You know we love movement.
Until then, we wish you happy holidays and a 2023 full of joys!
The Sage Sales Management team.
PS: If your team doesn’t use Sage Sales Management CRM yet, you can take advantage of this time of year to start building the rocket-ship that will take your sales to outer space. Access hundreds of ideas and sales tips on our blog and ebooks.
You can also start testing Sage Sales Management CRM for free now for 15 days and contact us if you have any questions.