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Versatile, user-friendly technology… Simplified processes, increased sales productivity… These are just some of the advantages for sales forces of using a mobile CRM. And not only is the sales process more efficient. Mobile devices have completely transformed the way we interact with our clients.
In the UK, the number of smartphone users has increased over the past year by nearly 12%, and tablets represent a staggering 60% of computer sales worldwide . If your company is yet to invest in these solutions but wants to improve results and stand out from the competition… take note.
So how does mobility help you accelerate the sales process?
Boost commitment and trust
The fact that a salesperson works from a tablet doesn’t change their professional relationship with the sales director, which is still based on trust. But what does change is their way of working. Using the new mobile device, the salesperson can now perfect their sales technique – but with clear added value. Thanks to the tablet, they can present information more quickly and in a more attractive way, look up data in real time and instantly record information on the sales visit.
Gone are the days when the sales rep had to be in the office to enter data on how the meeting went. The result is an increased sense of satisfaction – which translates into a greater commitment to the job.
Increase simplicity – and productivity
Mobility means an end to paperwork. It also allows for an instant exchange of information with the sales team on the status of leads. This added flexibility means the sales rep can fit in more sales visits per month. As the CRM is updated each time they meet with a prospect, their time is optimized and they can set up more visits. By year-end, the sales team has converted more clients – and increased sales income.
Engage clients digitally – personalize your response
Tablets and smartphones give you access to information stored in the cloud. This means salespeople can back up their sales pitch right from the word go with attractive presentations, or send potential clients a useful eBook during the sales visit. It’s small details like these that will spark the interest of your prospects.
It’s also important to arrive at the sales meeting knowing as much as you can about the person you’re meeting (company history, SWOT analysis, social media presence etc.) and their needs. Only then can you offer a personalized quote and position yourself as their best buying option.
Reinforce teamwork
ForceManager’s geolocation capabilities are recognized as a key tool in facilitating the reporting of sales visits. Thanks to geolocation software, client files can be updated with a record of calls and visits, and synchronized with any CRM-ERP. This considerably reduces time spent by the sales team on administrative tasks.
You can also communicate easily with your sales team on the sales activity carried out. The total transparency of mobile files means that members of the sales force all pull in the same direction; they’re up to date with priorities and the status of accounts, and can easily exchange questions, tips and alerts. As a result, your client response time is more immediate.
As well as a stronger group identity, mobility also enhances the role played by sales management. You can guide your salespeople in real time, evaluating up to the minute results provided by the CRM.