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Did you know that over 70% of sales directors believe that poor communication with their team negatively impacts performance?
According to a further 67% of those surveyed, the biggest problem is the absence of an internal communications tool built within the CRM that provides visibility over sales activity, pipeline status and the progress of sales reps’ individual goals.
They argue it’s difficult to get a handle on exactly what is happening in the field, especially when tracking the effectiveness of a coaching plan.
For example, your coaching plan might emphasize the need for increased focus on cross-selling a particular product. The sales rep in question has been asked to promote this new product among certain niche profile of clients.
However, with ineffective communication channels and the difficulty in tracking emails, managers are left with little idea of whether the strategy is being executed or not.
Without effective communication between the manager and the rest of their team it’s difficult to know exactly how to coach individual sales reps.
Open fluid lines of communication with NewsManager
One of the most popular tools developed at Sage Sales Management this communication add-on that doesn’t just inform managers who opened their last message, but who actually read it. That’s because when sales reps receive an important update they are prompted to respond straight away (with an option to postpone reading to a more suitable time).
This ensures a solid alignment between sales strategy and execution with every member of the team clear on what their monthly and quarterly targets and goals are.
If you want to improve your coaching skills and benefit from a clear alignment among your sales team why not try our NewsManager CRM add-on – you’ve got nothing to lose!