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Ever feel like you invest too much time in tasks unrelated to your company’s sales activity? Successfully optimizing the time and effort spent in achieving those quarterly objectives is not easy.
If you want to achieve higher sales productivity get ready to exert a little self-discipline, for we’ve devised an easy-to-adopt routine that will transform your sales right from the word “Go!”
Phase One
Start by going through your email inbox in detail and check out what’s happening on LinkedIn. (See our blog 3 ways of using LinkedIn to accelerate sales.) Set aside half an hour at the start of each day to reply to messages and see what’s being talked about on the network. Use LinkedIn as a strategic resource to showcase your experience, position yourself as a reliable source of information – and research high quality prospects.
Now take a look at your CRM. You need to evaluate how many new leads you have each day, validate and classify them according to their maturity level in the sales funnel. On a regular basis you need to sit down with your team to go into more detail and draw conclusions (e.g. Which source yields a higher conversion rate? Which new fields lead to better-qualified sign-ups?)
Phase Two
Next, prioritize your tasks for the rest of the day. And consider holding what is probably the simplest and most effective meeting you can have with your team: the Daily Huddle.
In no more than 5 minutes, and standing up (to keep the meeting short), each participant shares their priorities for the day and outlines any problems to resolve. To instil a sense of discipline, decide on an exact time for the meeting and keep to it. This exercise helps ensure you’re not duplicating tasks, improves communication flow and updates everyone on the day’s agenda.
The sales team then has a starting point from which to work on their various responsibilities – according to the criteria and guidelines set by management.
Two important points to add here for even greater productivity: whenever you can, write your ideas down. It helps for organisation and gives you a solid base for any doubts that may arise. And learn to say no to customer proposals you know you can’t deliver on. This avoids embarking on ambitious projects you can’t complete due to lack of time and/or resources.
More recommendations for an extra-effective routine
Round off the day. Just as you’d take a few minutes to stretch after doing exercise, take time to reflect on other important elements:
Did you enjoy your work? Sometimes you get home from work exhausted, but with a sense of satisfaction from having completed your daily tasks. If you enjoyed your day’s work and learnt something from doing it, congratulations! You’re a 100% productive professional, ready to spread your successful routine and multiply your number of customers!
Does your team have shared values? A company’s results are based on the contribution made by all its members. If you have common values in addition to great teamwork, implementing your strategy – and meeting your objectives – already have a head start.
Do you share “downtime” with your colleagues? A chat over a cup of coffee, or having lunch together are important opportunities to take a step back and approach tasks with fresh ideas – and increased motivation.
Work is one of the key pillars underpinning happiness. Which is why it’s so important to learn to be productive, and to feel a sense of fulfilment. But your work also needs to fit well with your personal life and health. Achieving a balance by spending time with friends and family, doing exercise and getting a good night’s sleep are also essential components of the routine for greater productivity.