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In January we talked to you about the growth spurt Sage Sales Management had put on -maturing from a carefully incubated start-up to a leading contender in the mobile CRM market. Well, that was six months ago, and because so much has been going on in the meantime, we feel it’s about time we gave you a further update.
After successfully launching Sage Sales Management in Spain, we soon garnered interest from further afield. It wasn’t long before companies from the likes of Columbia, Mexico and Chile reached out, enabling us to provide mobile CRM solutions to the Latin American community. We’ve also been busy in the UK, helping the likes of Vauxhall to condense and simplify their client database as well as working closely with their sales reps. in the field. Our other UK clients include Ford, Pirelli, BASF and Securitas Direct.
The international expansion has also paid dividends back at home, with more than fifteen nationalities represented amongst the sixty-strong staff here at Sage Sales Management (don’t forget, we started with just five!) Having such a diverse workforce enables us to plan and market our product from varying perspectives, something we’re extremely excited about as we continue to look ahead to the future.This diversity has also allowed us to translate our services into five different languages: English, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese.
One of the most significant changes made at Sage Sales Management since we last spoke has been the appointment of Elisa Rabaté as our new Director of Marketing. Rabaté, something of a revelation in the start-up community, will help lead and implement our online and offline marketing strategies as we press-on with our international expansion. She brings with her more than a decade of experience from both the B2B, and B2C marketing communities boasting a diverse portfolio from the technology, leisure, contextual advertising, email marketing and FMCG sectors. Speaking of diversity, Rabate is fluent in all of the following languages – it’s a fair old list so bear with me:
We were mildly impressed to say the least!
Despite the rapid levels of growth we’ve experienced recently, it’s absolutely vital to us that we remain true to our roots, both internally and externally. For our clients, the objective has always been to help the salesperson on the ground. That first point of contact between sales rep. and customer, in our eyes, is the most important and that’s why our focus will remain on staying mobile, and straightforward. Salespeople don’t need a system that takes longer to figure out and maintain than it actually would to use in the first place – they need something relative and simple that actually aids them in selling.
All in all it’s been a fulfilling experience – we still can’t quite believe how far we’ve come in such a small space of time. And what’s more exciting is the prospect of what the future holds, both for us and our clients. It’s going to be a fascinating journey and we hope, you’ll be here to enjoy the ride, too.