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Goal setting and sales forecasting are like two halves of a whole.
You can’t really have one without the other.
Sales forecasts form the basis of your entire strategy throughout the year. The insights produced lay the groundwork not just for the company’s vision, but the direction your sales team should be heading in too.
However, these insights will remain a vision and nothing more without the means with which to achieve them, hence the value of sales goals.
I guess another way of looking at it is like a metaphorical mountain climb, with your forecast being the summit and your goals the little markers and stop-offs that guide the way.
Now from the bottom of the mountain peering up, it seems an impossible task. But little by little, marker by marker you climb your way to the summit and hit your forecast.
So as you see, you can’t scale a mountain without the markers and there’d be no markers if it weren’t for the mountain…
On top of all that it’s also been found that field sales reps who can track and visualize their own individual sales goals are 20% more likely to increase sales,
Built-in sales motivation software such as GoalManager allows field sales managers to assign individual goals to their team within the mobile CRM. These visual KPIs can then be pinned to the dashboard as a small, daily motivator which we’ve already seen can lead to an increase in sales by 20%.
Goalmanager also allows managers to break larger goals into smaller, bitesize and more manageable targets. Developing a goals roadmap allows reps to target specific sales-delivery actions week in, week out until your ultimate goals are reached.
Field reps are also shown how their individual efforts contribute to the much larger vision of the company. Each sale and account closure becomes suddenly more relevant once it’s put into context and it can be extremely effective in motivating your team.
Want to see how Sage Sales Management can help your team reach their sales targets? Then take a look at our free trial demo – no strings attached!